Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Power of Confession
"Confession is a Divine gift much greater than exorcism," writes Father Fortea is this book I recommend highly. "Exorcism only drives out a demon from one's body; Confession drives out evil from one's soul."
read full story here
Friday, November 24, 2006
a sour stomach

On the way to Mass this morning, I had a lot of thoughts running through my of them was...why me Lord. But not the usual 'why me' type of wandering...I wasn't really questioning why I have to suffer. I was questioning why the Lord would call me to so much when I don't seem to be able to handle it all very well. You see...I saw my 'suffering' as a sign that I wasn't 'handling it' well.
Then Fr. Ron in his homily talked about the first reading passage from Revelations where John is asked by an angel to swallow the scroll and how at first it will taste sweet in his mouth and then turns sour in his stomach. How being obedient to the Word of God can be the same.
At first there is so much excitement and eagerness to listen to God's Word in our lives and to jump right to it in obedience...however at some point it is apt to turn 'sour'...things get hard and this is where dispair can set in. Wrong thinking can set us off on the wrong road. I had gotten caught in this.
The point is not so much about how well WE handle life, it is about how much we allow GOD to handle it FOR us. Constantly giving Him everything as it comes up...sour tummies and all!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
And so there is real potency in thanksgiving -- in using the feast, the week, as a special time of thankful reflection."
read full story here
Sunday, November 19, 2006
– St. Josemaria Escriva, The Way, #963
Friday, November 17, 2006
Or something has to be cast off: Often we go through periods of "aridity," when we can't shake what seems like bad luck, and sometimes it's because we forget to do what Jesus taught and command oppressing spirits out of us. We get trapped by our blindness. We forget to cast away darkness that strips us of joy and we forget that in the perspective of eternal life there is no "calamity" on earth that warrants hopelessness."
read full article here
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
keep up the struggle
I love to hear you say how this shows that the devil considers you his enemy, and that the grace of God will never leave you unprotected. Keep up the struggle!"
– St. Josemaria Escriva, The Forge, #309
Monday, November 06, 2006
we do not have to hide
Excerpt from Mother Nadine’s, “Lady Wisdom Sings Her Own Praises,” Omaha, NE 2005
"Every word or attitude is forbidden which by flattery, adulation, or complaisance encourages and confirms another in malicious acts and perverse conduct. Adulation is a grave fault if it makes one an accomplice in another's vices or grave sins. Neither the desire to be of service nor friendship justifies duplicitous speech. Adulation is a venial sin when it only seeks to be agreeable, to avoid evil, to meet a need, or to obtain legitimate advantages."
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
becoming more human
"It is true that life, which by its nature is already rather narrow and uncertain, sometimes becomes difficult. But that will help you to become more supernatural and to see the hand of God. Then you will be more human and understanding with those around you."
– St. Josemaria Escriva, Furrow, #762
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
power from the desert
--Mother Nadine
Friday, October 20, 2006
A Lesson for Today
"And this is a lesson for today: how to avoid hardness, how to avoid the devil's poison, how to avoid darkness, which are all the same. For whenever we transgress, we invite hardness in. We can also do this through hatred, bitterness, or jealousy.
Such emotions rise in a special manner when we are ill or otherwise hurt. A deep wound is both an opportunity and a danger. Satan stands at the door of our wounds, and tries to pour his cement through them. It is like the gall he offered to Jesus on the Cross. When St. Teresa of Avila was given a vision of hell, she saw mud that trapped those who wallowed in it.
When we become bitter, we too are trapped and when we sin we have a blotch in our spirits that may then transmit to the physical (making us sicker still or ill if we are well). Blotches add up until they blind us -- until they calcify. Slowly but surely, we build a wall between ourselves and God.
This "hardness" may come not just through illnesses or accidents but also when we are having financial or emotional distress. During an upset in a marriage, the devil is only too quick to tell us how bad things are, how they will not improve, how it is over for us. If we succumb to a negative expectation, and bitterness, we curse ourselves. When we are angry, despairing, resentful, or jealous, we also curse others. We spread the poison.
When we are hurt, when we get a new suffering, when we are in pain, it opens up a wound in our hearts, like a hole: a void within us. If Christ is not allowed to fill that void, the devil does.
He knows that wounds are an opportunity to enter our souls and he speaks to us so that we can hear him (louder than all else). The first sign of Satan's presence: confusion, anxiety, and frustration -- especially frustration with God.
When we use the wounds as an offering to the Lord, on the other hand -- as an opportunity for growth, and maintain our faith -- they become a ticket to deliverance here and Heaven after."
read full story here
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Here's to the scooping process..

The coworker replied, "It is like being a pumpkin.
God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you.
Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. "He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed.
Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see."
(got this in a E-Mail from my niece today...please keep her in your prayers).
Inner Healing
--Mother Nadine
read entire article here
Sunday, October 15, 2006
What was THAT about?

"“It is a teaching of the church, not an option,” said Father William of the existence of the devil, citing a document produced by the Congregation for Divine Worship in 1975 reiterating this teaching. “It is a presumed dimension of our faith because the redemptive work of Jesus does not make sense without the reality of the devil,” he said. This is why, Father William explained, throughout his ministry Jesus was always casting out demons."
This was on one Fr. Ron's teachings that really captured me...during one of his homilies he points to the Cross at the altar and says 'if the devil isn't real...then what was THAT about?' POWERFUL!
Friday, October 13, 2006

"The scene of the parable is being repeated: it is the same as with those people who were invited to the wedding feast. Some are afraid, others have their own concerns, many... make up stories or give silly excuses.
They put up resistance. That is why they feel the way they do: fed up, all in a muddle, listless, bored, bitter. And yet how easy it is to accept the divine invitation at every moment, and live a happy life, full of joy!"
– St. Josemaria Escriva, Furrow, #67
“Perhaps it is fasting?” he asked one of them.
“We,” the evil spirit replied, “neither ever eat nor ever drink.”
“Sleepless vigils, then?”
“We do not sleep at all.”
“Flight from the world?”
“Supposedly an important thing. But we spend the greater part of our time wandering around the deserts.”
“I implore you to confess what it is that can subdue you,” insisted the elder.
The evil spirit, compelled by a supernatural force, was pressed to answer: “Humility—which we can never overcome.”
— The Ancient Fathers of the Desert: Section 1
Today's Gospel Reflection

"Repent! Let Jesus clean your soul. Then fight the good fight of faith by growing "in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Pt 3:18; 2 Tm 4:7). Instead of being content with empty, let Jesus give you life to the full (Jn 10:10). Fill your mind with God's Word; fill your mouth with the Eucharist, the Bread of Life (Jn 6:35). Then fill the world with your godly teaching (Acts 5:28) and your praise of God."
The above reflection reminds me of the reason why we are being healed and set be brought back into 'community' and live His life to the fullest. I'm totally amazed at how many people are completly content living under opression. Yes there are times that the Lord allows us to stay there because it is ultimately for our best (who can argue with God's will) St. Paul and the thorn he had to live with...the Lord said that His grace was sufficient and it is. But the majority of the time the Lords wants total healing for us. Over and over again in scripture He is driving out demons and curing people. He still wants that for us today...He yearns for it!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
interview with Rome exorcist

"Is the exorcism the highest degree of action against Satan? Are their other means that can come before this last degree?
Conversion! The first thing that we ask from people who come to us is to live in the grace of God, to be faithful to an intense sacramental life and to the life of prayer. After this, if it is necessary, we encourage them to receive prayers of healing and of deliverance, as they are practiced in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. After a number of such prayers, the person is either already set free, or the need is evident to do the exorcism itself. Then we do the exorcism, keeping in mind that exorcism is a prayer where the result does not always come immediately. Sometimes, years of exorcism are needed for a person to be delivered."
read full story here
good news...
We mentioned the Intercessors of the Lamb two weeks ago -- a new order of hermits and nuns in Omaha who have expanded from eight a decade ago to nearly seventy -- along sending nearly a dozen men to the seminary.
Their key is bringing God alive, making Him here and now -- not some kind of abstract piece of historical knowledge, and not the subject of a dry theological dissertation.
In most cases, an active Marian or charismatic style of prayer, and very traditional ways of devotion, seem the key to generating vocations, along with Adoration. Success stories have come from places like Peoria, Illinois, and even Alabama and Georgia."
read full story here
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
liberation of the heart

The heart, weary from its continual pilgrimage, seeks to settle down and make camp, refusing to go on. It settles down with lesser gods, finding some joy, peace, identity, security or other alleviations of its desires. This short term relief masks a spiritual problem and also a problem in human development. John of the Cross was convinced that when the individual centres on something or someone other than God, the personality eventually becomes dysfunctional.
Such "attachments" create a situation of death. Whatever or whomever I am asking to be my god, my desires' deepest fulfilment, cannot bear the expectation. The idol will begin to crumble under such pressure as I ask it to be my "all". And because we cannot grow past our gods, a lesser god means a lesser human being. Consequently, that to which I am "attached" is dying under my need, and I am dying because my deepest desires can find nothing and no one to match their intensity.
The self-transcending dynamism within our humanity will not allow us to declare that we have "arrived" at journey's end. By declaring a premature victory as we cling to idols, we are engaging in inauthentic self-transcendence. In other words, the heart is no longer free to hear and follow the invitation of the Beloved. This slavery of the heart is the result of disordered desire. The solution, the liberation of the heart, is not accomplished by annihilation of desire but by its reorientation."
Seasons of the Heart
turning from idols

1 Thessalonians 1:9
"A remarkable thing can happen when we turn from our idols, from our false little gods, to serve the living and true God. It doesn't happen all at once. But gradually we unclench our tight fists. We open our closed hearts. We take in light. We take in love. It is like coming outside after being in a small, dark room. We walk outside and feel overwhelmed by the richness of the sky and land around us. We thought God was small and dreary. And we discover instead vastness and warmth."
NACR Daily Meditation for Tuesday, 10/10/2006
by Dale and Juanita Ryan
read entire meditation
sacrament of penance for healing

"Meeting with bishops of Western Canada, in Rome for their “Ad Limina” visits, Pope Benedict insisted, this morning, on the need for a renewed understanding of sin and appreciation for the Sacrament of Penance in order to foster reconciliation and healing among people."
read full story here
Monday, October 09, 2006
dangers of the occult
1)Fortunetelling - of any kind such as palm reading, crystal ball gazing, numerology, or seeing psychics.
2)Tarot Cards
3)Ouija Boards
4)Seances and any involvement with mediums or spiritists.
5)Astrology and any form of horoscopes.
6)I Ching
8)Transcendental Meditation or any type of Far Eastern Meditation.
15)Astral projection
17)Dungeons and Dragons - role-playing games.
18)New Age Movement techniques and activities.
Read entire article here
"Once you confess this occult activity before God as a sin, renounce it by telling God you will never do it again, and then burn or throw away any items associated with this activity - the demons will no longer have any legal right to stay attached to you - and they will now have to go if you take your God-given authority as a believer and child of God and command the demons to now leave you in the name of Jesus Christ!"
Friday, October 06, 2006
He called – and is calling – his disciples, commanding them ut eatis! – "Go and seek all men."
– St. Josemaria Escriva, The Forge, #915
journey to wholeness
--Mother Nadine
Read Full Story Here
spirit of antagonism
This is especially true by way of antagonism. Few are those who have not had the experience of people who for no reason rankle them. In fact, the person towards whom there is animosity often is a nice person who ostensibly has done nothing wrong. There may be a spirit of antagonism around that person."
Read Full Story Here
Thursday, October 05, 2006
talking to children
Maria VonTrapp
Monday, October 02, 2006
Keep Quiet

"Why do so many people spread slander?", you ask in distress. Some do so through error, fanaticism or malice. But most of them pass on the story through inertia, superficiality and ignorance.
That is why, I insist again: when you cannot praise, and there is no need to speak, keep quiet!
– St. Josemaria Escriva, Furrow, #592
Friday, September 29, 2006
St. Michael Prayer
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
demons are like rats
by Charles K Kraft
"In deep-level healing we get to cast out lots of demons. But we recognize that demons are like rats. And rats go for 'garbage.' 'Garbage' is the term I use to refer to the spiritual or emotional problems to which demons attach themselves. In order to live in a person, demons need to have a legal right. That right is provided when there are things in the person's past or present life to which demons can attach. When that is taken away, the demons usually go quietly."
Feast Day of the Archangels
Michael was the leader of the army of God during the uprising of Lucifer. He is known as the Defender. Raphael travelled with Tobit and protected him. He is known as the Healer. Gabriel informed Mary that she would bear the Savior. He is known as the Messenger of God.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
10 curses that block the blessing
Sid Roth
The Onion

(here's another re-post)
The Onion
I was an onion before Christ set me free.Layers upon layers of iniquity.
An ugly old onion whose fragrance was strong;That my Jesus bought and loved all along.
Unknown to me what He was going to do.Of what He was planning, I had not a clue.
Pulling each layer off one by one.In order to make me more like Jesus the Son.
The first layer wasn't so bad.I saw all the sins that I knew I had.
They were easy to fix, just change the way I talk.And learn more of how He wanted me to walk.
Reading His Word, and learning again;How to put aside my life of sin.
But the next layer was pulled which hurt more.He was getting closer to the core.
Unknown what He would find there.I simply gave it to Him in prayer.
As another layer was removed, He started to cry;Pulling this layer brought pain to my Father on High.
And I was crying over the sadness I felt;The brokenness and all of the guilt.
Past memories that I thought were gone;They were buried under layers disguised in a fragrance so strong.
As onions peel more and more;And they put tears in our eyes as we get close to the core;So my father wept over my pain;Giving me a balm of comfort and strength to sustain.
"NO MORE LAYERS." I would scream.As he continued to peel them off of me."I'll have nothing left my Lord, what will I do?I'll be nothing but a worthless core to you.
"But He just said "Trust me," and continued to peelI was sure He was blinded to my pain that was so real.
Year after year I shrunk more and more;Until all that was left of this onion was a core.
It was then that I began to understand;As the Lord embraced me in His loving hand.
He said, now and only now can you be;The creation that will minister before me.
Clothed with the righteousness only from above;Gone are your layers of self so you can be filled with my love.
He took my layers of sin, hurt and pain;And clothed me with love, truth and mercy in His name.
Yes, we are all onions, learning with each day;How to overcome as each layer is taken away.
Some layers tear and pull at our heart;While others grieve us to our innermost part.
But we are nothing but an ugly onion without Christ.Layers upon layers of pride, sin and strife.
Only God can take those layers away.And clothe us with His righteousness in that final day.
author unknown
inner healing

I thought I'd re-post some of my thoughts on 'inner healing'(which is what this blog is about) for anyone that hasn't had the chance to go through the archives.
The story of Lazarus is one that is close to my heart. In 'Thin Again' the author tells us this story in a way that explains the healing process. Jesus had brought Lazarus back from the dead (he was 'born again' as we too are after our Baptism) but still 'bound up'...his 'grave clothes' were still intact and he couldn't move very well and completly lacked freedom. Jesus then gave the command to the people that were near by to go ahead and free him. (John 11:44)and He does the same for us today...Jesus through the Sacraments gives us life...then it is up to the community as a whole to participate in the full restoration. These 'grave clothes' are anything that keeps us bound even after we have been freed from our sin...hurtful memories, addictions...and yes...even opression by demons and evil spirits(not talking about full posession here) that have come upon us either through doors that we ourselvs have opened or by being exposed to someone else's sin. This is what the 'inner-healing' ministry is all about...releasing captives.
"releasing captives
Lazarus rose because he heard the voice of God and immediately wanted to get out of the situation he was in. If he hadn't wanted to move, he would just have died again.
A sincere resolution: to have faith in God always; to hope in God always; to love God always... he never abandons us, even if we are rotting away as Lazarus was.
--- St. Josemaria Escriva, The Forge, #211"
I also believe that even though the Lord can do this for us in one fell often doesn't happen that way...and it's more 'a process' of peeling off layer by layer.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
united wills
Do you see? One strand of wire entwined with another, many woven tightly together, form that cable strong enough to lift huge weights.
You and your brothers, with wills united to carry out God's will can overcome all obstacles.
– St. Josemaria Escriva, The Way, #480"
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
a light to the nations

"These are all little glimpses of what she has in store for us in this deeper call of intercession. In Isaiah 42: 6-7 we read, “I, the Lord have called you for the victory of justice. I have grasped you by the hand. I have formed you and set you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations.” Jesus is the light of the world. He is calling us now individually and collectively as Church to be a light to all the nations, to open the eyes of the blind, to bring prisoners out of confinement and from the dungeon, those who live in darkness. This means bringing people out of deception, out of all kinds of bondage. This is the power of intercession. We have the power."
read full story here
Our Lady of Fatima
Read full story here
His words bring healing
This is what you and I have to remember at all times, especially when we find ourselves tired and weighed down by work or opposition.
– St. Josemaria Escriva, The Forge, #254"
a reminder
It is not jealous, love is not pompous,
it is not inflated, it is not rude,
it does not seek its own interests,
it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury,
it does not rejoice over wrongdoing
but rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things."
Fr. Ron at Mass this morning encouraged us to add our own names to this passage, or I guess 'I' would work too. For example...I am patient, I am kind. I am not jealous, I am not true would all that be? Sure shows the areas that we need to work on. Here's my favorite...'I am not quick tempered, I do not brood over injury'...ouch!
Monday, September 18, 2006
freed to experience joy

"I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete." ~John 15:11
Since last week, we have been 'practicing' inner healing with our group. Last week I was an 'observer', this week I had the priviledge and great blessing of being the 'receiver'. I knew going in that this is what the Lord wanted for me. So many issues came up with the Lord's help through my friends guidance and I felt the wonderful relief of being able to receive truth and then to finally let go of the pain. I felt walking on clouds. Then I get home and get the above passage...WOW! I praise You Lord!
As a little the beginning of the year I was given Saint Joseph Cupertino as my saint for the year...and lo and is his feast day. So...thank you St. Cupertino for interceding for me. Oh, I just realized something kind of funny...about me 'walking on clouds''s sort of what he did too(he would levitate). I also just realized that I had posted about him at my other blog and issued a prayer that I may experience the type of joy he had amongst my daily trials. Thank You, Thank You Jesus!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
My Lord, You are all powerful, You are God, You are Father. We beg You through the intercession and help of the archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, for the deliverance of our brothers and sisters who are enslaved by the evil one. All saints of heaven, come to our aid.
From anxiety, sadness, and obsessions, We beg You: Free us, O Lord. From hatred, fornication, envy, We beg You: Free us, O Lord. From thoughts of jealousy, rage, and death. We beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every thought of suicide and abortion. We beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every form of sinful sexuality. We beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every division in our family, and every harmful friendship. We beg You: Free us, O Lord. From every sort of spell, malefice, witchcraft, and every form of the occult. We beg You: Free us, O Lord.
Lord, You Who said, "I leave you peace, my peace I give you," grant that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, we may be liberated from every evil spell and enjoy Your peace always. In the Name of Christ, our Lord. Amen."
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
spirit of infirmity
MacNutt maintains that there are actually "spirits of trauma" and "spirits of rejection" that play on emotional wounds. How often are they the major cause of an actual physical illness? "I'm not sure what the percentage would be," says MacNutt, "but we find it quite a bit. Just a few weeks ago we did a course at Regent University in Virginia Beach. We asked for two volunteers to show the group how you can pray, and one of the two was a woman who had cancer of the breast that had spread, so we started to pray on that level and suddenly she was in the midst of a deliverance.
"It seemed that the spirit was a spirit of cancer or infirmity or whatever you want to call it. We got a letter from a friend of hers today saying that the tumors went down and continue to go down. The tumors went down that night, the pain I think disappeared, and the spirits left. We find that's not too rare."
read entire story here
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
put your weaknesses in the Lord's hands

The Struggle
You are consumed by the desire to confirm once more the self-dedication you made some time ago: remembering that you are a son of God and living like one too.
Put your many weaknesses and infidelities in the Lord's hands. For that is also the only way to lessen their weight.
– St. Josemaria Escriva, Furrow, #175
today's problem
Many of our clerics are more social workers, or sociologists, than they are evangelists, more comfortable in the board room of a social agency than in a church where there is the laying on of hands. They prefer the academic, sociological approach to one that is spiritual.
And thus do we have priests who halt visitors from healing services, dissuade Bible studies, quash efforts to establish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, disallow traveling lay ministers, dislike the Rosary, discourage deliverance, don't know how to bless a home, scoff at the notion of sacramentals, mock the claim of miracles, or simply ignore all of the above.
The psychologist has replaced the exorcist -- in many cases, with devastating effects -- and the modus operandi when there is a claim of the supernormal in our current time is to announce that there is no proof and will be no investigation. Even alleged Eucharistic miracles are quickly taken from view to avoid embarrassment.
read full story here
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Job Opening
JOB DESCRIPTION: Tell the dying world how they can live through Jesus Christ.
NUMBER OF AVAILABLE POSITIONS: Unlimited----Preachers, teachers, singers, musicians, disciples, etc. Exception: The position of Boss has already been filled by the Holy Spirit.
QUALIFICATIONS: Must have previously sinned and been blood washed. Must be willing to press toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.EXPERIENCE: None necessary
EDUCATION: Holy Spirit will teach you all things.
BENEFIT PACKAGE: SALARY: My God (the employer) shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
INSURANCE: Access to the Master Physician.PACKAGE ALSO INCLUDES: Love, joy, peace, patience, long suffering... A Lawyer, A Comforter, and Wonderful Counselor.
RECOMPENSE FOR COMPLETING THE JOB ASSIGNMENT: The most important benefit, ETERNAL LIFE with the employer.
DEADLINE TO APPLY: Before the return of Jesus Christ (Date unknown, wise NOT to hesitate.)
NOTE: satan and demons need not apply.
healing and casting demons
At sunset, all who had people sick with various diseases brought them to him.He laid his hands on each of them and cured them. And demons also came out from many, shouting, “You are the Son of God.” But he rebuked them and did not allow them to speak because they knew that he was the Christ.
I just watched the 'Exorcism of Emily Rose' for the first time last night, and even though I don't much care for horror stories...I had heard that this one was based on a true story and had a spiritual message. It was and it! I'm sure that they dramatized some scenes for entertainment value...but still...we get the message.
At one point an expert witness is asked why there seem to be more 'exorcisms' performed in third world countries and the answer is kind of shocking. Unfortunately I don't remember her exact words but the gist of it is that we in our 'civilized societies' have learned to cover up posessions...we give people drugs to cope with it and we call it by any other name imaginable...except for what it actually is.
Isn't it funny that in Bible one of the things that we often see Jesus do, is cast out demons. Why is this not happening more frequently in our churches today? Are there less demons in this day and looking around, it would appear that the opposite is actually how come? Personally I just think that satan has done his work well...the less we believe in him and his folks the quicker he can get to us.
Towards the end of the movie we find out that Emily Rose had an encounter with the Blessed Mother and was given the option to go home with her at that moment or to continue on with her suffering so that many souls could be won for God by her story(she chose to stay)...the message of her life is that demons are real.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Mother Teresa's Feast Day

Mother Teresa Said..."If we are careful of silence it will be easy to pray and to pray fervently.
There is so much talk, so much repetition,
so much carrying of tales in words and in writing.
Our prayer life must suffer so much because our hearts are not silent,
for as you know "only in the silence of the heart, God speaks."
Only after we have listened can we speak from the fullness of our hearts."
Prayer for Peace of Heart
Almighty and Eternal God
Give me, I beseech You the great gift of inward peace
Command the winds and storms of my unruly passions.
Subdue, by your grace, my proneness to love created things too much,
Give me a love of suffering for your sake.
Make me forbearing and kind to others,that I may avoid quarrels and contentions.
And teach me constantly to seek after and to acquire that perfect resignation to Your Holy Will which alone brings interior peace. Amen
Saturday, September 02, 2006
The Onion
I was an onion before Christ set me free.Layers upon layers of iniquity.An ugly old onion whose fragrance was strong;That my Jesus bought and loved all along.Unknown to me what He was going to do.Of what He was planning, I had not a clue.Pulling each layer off one by one.In order to make me more like Jesus the Son.The first layer wasn't so bad.I saw all the sins that I knew I had.They were easy to fix, just change the way I talk.And learn more of how He wanted me to walk.Reading His Word, and learning again;How to put aside my life of sin.But the next layer was pulled which hurt more.He was getting closer to the core.Unknown what He would find there.I simply gave it to Him in prayer.As another layer was removed, He started to cry;Pulling this layer brought pain to my Father on High.
And I was crying over the sadness I felt;The brokenness and all of the guilt.Past memories that I thought were gone;They were buried under layers disguised in a fragrance so strong.As onions peel more and more;And they put tears in our eyes as we get close to the core;So my father wept over my pain;Giving me a balm of comfort and strength to sustain."NO MORE LAYERS." I would scream.As he continued to peel them off of me."I'll have nothing left my Lord, what will I do?I'll be nothing but a worthless core to you. "But He just said "Trust me," and continued to peelI was sure He was blinded to my pain that was so real.Year after year I shrunk more and more;Until all that was left of this onion was a core.
It was then that I began to understand;As the Lord embraced me in His loving hand.He said, now and only now can you be;The creation that will minister before me.Clothed with the righteousness only from above;Gone are your layers of self so you can be filled with my love.He took my layers of sin, hurt and pain;And clothed me with love, truth and mercy in His name.Yes, we are all onions, learning with each day;How to overcome as each layer is taken away.Some layers tear and pull at our heart;While others grieve us to our innermost part.But we are nothing but an ugly onion without Christ.Layers upon layers of pride, sin and strife.Only God can take those layers away.And clothe us with His righteousness in that final day.
author unknown
Friday, September 01, 2006
Love is the answer

Love under all circumstances and you will puncture through any assault by the evil one. This is your shield. It is also a sword. It will go before you and neutralize the acid that may await you. Let love go before you as a guardian. Slash through the rudeness of others with the sword of joy that comes from love and you will be astonished at how circumstances you could not have rectified yourself will suddenly turn in your favor.
"All the days of the afflicted are evil," adds that same mysterious Book of Proverbs, "but a cheerful heart has a continual feast."
Joy from love is a bubble around you. Be joyous no matter what and you will be invincible. Ask God for the gift of cheerfulness. A soft answer turns away anger. A tranquil mind gives life to the flesh.
read full story here
Thursday, August 31, 2006
shout for joy...God is faithful

I give thanks to my God always on your account
for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus,
that in him you were enriched in every way,
with all discourse and all knowledge,
as the testimony to Christ was confirmed among you,
so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift
as you wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He will keep you firm to the end,
irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is faithful,
and by him you were called to fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
The rest of today's readings
This is from today's first reading...doesn't it make your heart want to sing?
Symptoms of Inner Peace
A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fear based on past experiences
An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment
A loss of interest in judging other people
A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others
A loss of interest in conflict
A loss of the ability to worry
Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation
Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature
Frequent attacks of smiling
An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it
(author unknown)
I Came to You Late

I came to You late, O Beauty so ancient and new. I came to love You late. You were within me and I was outside where I rushed about wildly searching for You like some monster loose in Your beautiful world. You were with me but I was not with You. You called me, You shouted to me, You wrapped me in Your Splendour, You broke past my deafness, You bathed me in Your Light, You sent my blindness reeling. You gave out such a delightful fragrance and I drew it in and came breathing hard after You. I tasted, and it made me hunger and thirst; You touched me, and I burned to know Your Peace.
St. Augustine of Hippo
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Matthew 12:43-45
"When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order.
Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation." (Matthew 12: 43-45)
legal risks? "The Novena Church, two priests and seven helpers are being sued for an alleged act of exorcism, in an incident believed to have taken place two years ago.
Fifty-year old Amutha Valli Krishnan, an athlete in the 1980s, claimed that attempts to exorcise her later led to chronic post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. "
Interesting...I guess those little consent forms do come in handy after all. Another thing that comes to mind is that passage in the bible that says that you can clean your house of demons but if you don't fill it up, many more come in to take their place...I think that's the gist of it anyway. I'll have to look up the actual passage.
God have mercy...
Catholic News Agency:
"Buenos Aires, Aug. 28, 2006 (CNA) - The parents of a mentally disabled woman who had supposedly conceived through rape and had been given permission by the courts in Argentina to undergo an abortion finally had their wishes granted as the unborn child's life was taken on Friday at a private clinic, in the city of La Plata."
This really touches my the evil one deceives...they couldn't see how precious that little baby was...they couldn't see that if God had allowed that pregnancy it was because He had a plan in mind. How very,very sad.
Monday, August 28, 2006
now I begin
Nunc coepi! � now I begin! This is the cry of a soul in love which, at every moment, whether it has been faithful or lacking in generosity, renews its desire to serve � to love! � God with a wholehearted loyalty.
� St. Josemaria Escriva, Furrow, #161"
St. Augustine
St. Augustine (354-430)
Raised a Christian, Augustine lost his faith and led a wild life. After living with a woman for many years, having a son, and dabbling in heresy, he was converted by the prayers of his mother and help from St. Ambrose. He sold his property, gave the proceeds to the poor, and founded a monastery. He became a monk, priest, preacher, bishop, and Doctor of the Church.
Reflections from the Saints
Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you.
– St. Augustine
Friday, August 25, 2006
volatile reactions
"Often it isn't the person who is aggravating us, but a spirit attached to that person. Such can come from sin, of course, but also from family lines or from inner wounds which darkness has hooked into.
That's why Jesus said not to judge. We are never sure why anyone is how he or she is. It's also why He said to look for the lumber in our own eyes first. We could have something that is causing the tension, or enhancing an effect that comes from others (like a volatile chemical reaction). We could also be exaggerating the effect, or even imagining it. Whatever the case, we must always see beyond spiritual disturbance to the goodness of people."
read entire article here
Using 'Thin Again' terminology...what we are actually reacting to is their stinking 'grave-clothes'...and then often not able to re-act appropriately ourselves because of our own.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
my refuge and my strength
You Can!
Pray resolutely using the words of the Psalmist: "Thou, Lord, art my refuge and my strength, I trust in thee."
I promise you that he will preserve you from the ambushes of the "noontide devil", when you are tempted and even when you fall, and when your age and virtues ought to have proved solid and you should have known by heart that He alone is your stronghold.
– St. Josemaria Escriva, The Forge, #307
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
from today's readings
Should not shepherds, rather, pasture sheep?
You have fed off their milk, worn their wool,
and slaughtered the fatlings,
but the sheep you have not pastured.
You did not strengthen the weak nor heal the sick
nor bind up the injured.
You did not bring back the strayed nor seek the lost,
but you lorded it over them harshly and brutally.
So they were scattered for the lack of a shepherd,
and became food for all the wild beasts.
See all readings here
correct view of suffering?
"What Is the Correct View of Suffering?
The Bible teaches an apparent contradiction: Jesus tells his followers to bear their cross; yet, whenever he meets people who are sick, he reaches out and cures them. Was he inconsistent, or have his words been misunderstood?
I think we can solve the problem by making an important distinction between two kinds of suffering:
1. The cross that Jesus carried was the cross of persecution, the kind of suffering that comes from outside because of the wickedness of others who are evil. He suffered deeply within himself, but the source of his anguish was outside himself. Jesus wept over Jerusalem; he was reviled and mocked; he was nailed to the cross and died.
2. The suffering that Jesus probably did not himself endure, and which he took away from those who approached him in faith, was that of sickness, the suffering that tears us apart from within, whether it be physical, emotional, or moral."
'Healing' by Francis McNutt
This was huge for me...a real 'light bulb moment'. Oftentimes we embrace #2 type of suffering easier then we do #1. We may be inclined to 'rebuke' or fight back external 'attacks' often and fiercely and yet do very little about the internal ones we are faced with daily, as if those were part of God's plan.
Can we fix it?

"The Church in the West has to be rescued, and delay will do no longer.
Churches are closing, relics are being scattered (sometimes sold on eBay, along with altars), and the faithful are facing a future where a single church will serve an entire area.
Yes, there are urban spots where the simple outflow of Catholics has made it unfeasible to maintain a church. That's not the Church's fault. But the way things are going, they are going to be closing churches even in vibrant areas.
Can we fix it? It will be tough. But can it be done? Yes -- by bringing back the vibrancy of the Holy Spirit.
To get back the Holy Spirit will mean imitating the way apostles -- our first bishops -- roamed among the flock, laying on hands, praying with groups, healing the sick, and constantly casting out demons. If our bishops did the same, the effect would be dramatic.
A bishop's spirituality has a supernatural effect on the entire area."
read full article here
If only there were more priests like Fr. Ron. Let's pray for vocations.
the cost of intercession

Now at Cana, we see Our Lady, the intercessor par excellence, saying, “They have no wine.” They do not have the Holy Spirit. They have no joy. They have no union, no relationship. God, the Father, gave the deference to Mary in this ministry. She picked up the Spirit and it was costly for her to make this move. I want to point that out because intercession can be costly. You can be, and you will be, the victim of your own intercession. She was asking something of her son which would be costly to her. It is easy to overlook the significance of this in the gospel account. But when you realize that she had 30 years alone with her Son, in tremendous hidden-ness, tremendous intimacy, you can begin to see the cost of the events which she was about to trigger She knew that all she had to do was to mention this to Him and He would do it. She knew who He was and that once He did this miracle and it became public she would never have Him again in that way. She was cutting the apron strings. That was very difficult. Yet, she was prompted by the Spirit, led by the Spirit, to act. The Spirit within will prompt you. This is the ministry of compassion. It is a ministry of love.
Excerpt from Mother Nadine’s, “Intercession,” Waveland, MI, 2005
releasing captives
Lazarus rose because he heard the voice of God and immediately wanted to get out of the situation he was in. If he hadn't wanted to move, he would just have died again.
A sincere resolution: to have faith in God always; to hope in God always; to love God always � he never abandons us, even if we are rotting away as Lazarus was.
� St. Josemaria Escriva, The Forge, #211"
The story of Lazarus is one that is close to my heart. In 'Thin Again' the author tells us this story in a way that explains the healing process. Jesus had brought Lazarus back from the dead (he was 'born again' as we too are after our Baptism) but still 'bound up'...his 'grave clothes' were still intact and he couldn't move very well and completly lacked freedom. Jesus then gave the command to the people that were near by to go ahead and free him. (John 11:44)and He does the same for us today...Jesus through the Sacraments gives us life...then it is up to the community as a whole to participate in the full restoration. These 'grave clothes' are anything that keeps us bound even after we have been freed from our sin...hurtful memories, addictions...and yes...demons and evil spirits(not talking about full posession here) that have come upon us either through doors that we ourselvs have opened or by being exposed to someone else's sin. This is what the 'inner-healing' ministry is all about...releasing captives.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Our Lady of Silence
Silence is a very important part of the spiritual life. It fosters prayer and holiness. It fosters listening to God and hearing God’s will for us. It also helps our emotional life for it helps us to be calm, ordered and still. "Be still and know that I am God," we are told in the Bible. It is interesting and significant that we are told—not to read, or learn or study—but to be still to know God. God speaks in the silence of our heart. God speaks to us, mostly, when we are still and silent.
Our Lady can help us to be or to become silent. If we turn to Our Blessed Mother in prayer and ask for the grace to be silent, to have silence in our life, then we shall be enriched by the blessing of silence. Each day we should set aside at least a few moments for a time of silence with Mary, placing ourselves in Our Lady’s presence and being quiet, still and silent. During this prayer time we will be renewed and refreshed by graces of silence and stillness given to us by Our Lady. Here’s a little verse that might help:
Mary, Mother of God teach me to be still.
Then listening I’ll understand to do God’s Holy Will.
These graces must be cherished throughout the rest of the day. Turn off the T.V., the radio; turn off the noise. Seek silence. Be still and prayerfully quiet. Our world is filled with noise. Break the noise habit. Another encroachment upon silence is the "noise of news." By learning the news even from the newspaper, our hearts can be disturbed and our minds filled with worries. A dose of the world’s tragedies can be unsettling and unsilencing. Strive to be more peace-filled. It does take effort, it does take prayer and it takes giving up things—like noise.
Ask Our Lady to help you to increase the silence in your life. Spend time each day cultivating silence. Tell your loved ones what you are doing so they’ll understand. And when you have cultivated a more silent and calm mind and heart return thanks to Our Blessed Mother for this precious, priceless gift.
Then there is another form of silence. It is more difficult. To be silent when hurt, or insulted. To be silent when angry. To refrain from uttering hurting, cutting words. To be silent when opposed or contradicted. This isn’t easy. Ask Our Lady for help. Ask to be a little like Her Son, who was silent before His accusers.
Let’s have a special devotion to Our Lady of Silence. Fr. Abram Ryan, the priest-poet, referred to walking "down the valley of silence." Let’s make an effort to visit that valley. Let’s give silence a place in our life, our minds and our hearts. It will help us to be holier, calmer and healthier. Let’s start today. But we need help. Let’s turn to Our Lady of Silence, to Mary Our Mother.
I got the above message in an e-mail today and it really hit home for me. I think that I tend to be a little afraid of the 'silence'...some inner healing needed I think. Even when at Eucharistic Adoration, I tend to 'fill in' the silence with a rosary...I think I'll try just 'being' next time.
Wounded Leaders
Whenever we are in relationships to give counsel, or in leadership, we can lead the way in being honest about our struggles. If we present ourselves as more holy than we are, then those we lead will present themselves as better than they are, or become discouraged by their weakness. Let our leadership challenge others to be honest and sincere in their struggle rather than successful in appearance. Let us reveal our need as we serve others, so that they may know that every member of the Body is important and needed by the others.
We have heard it said that the only healer is a wounded healer. It's true also for leaders. It is out of our brokenness that we reveal the power and love of God to others. We cannot give what we have not received.
It’s not what happens to you that can make your life or break it.
The thing that really matters is the way you choose to take it.
You can have a "pity party" and say life’s not worth the living,
Or find some place that needs the love and help you could be giving.
You can crawl into a shell, and reach a state of deep depression,
Or count the many blessings you still have in your possession.
You can say that life’s not fair, and that you simply cannot bear it,
Or seek what’s good in life, and find a way that you can share it.
No, it’s not what happens that decides the winning or the losing.
It’s how you take it -- and you’ll find it’s strictly your own choosing.
Betty Jo Mings
Monday, August 21, 2006
.=: M E D I T A T I O N F O R T H E D A Y :=.
We can make use of our mistakes, failures, losses, and sufferings. It is
not what happens to us so much as what use we make of it. We can take our
sufferings, difficulties and hardships and make use of them to help some
unfortunate soul who is faced with the same troubles. Then something good
can come out of our suffering and the world can become a better place
because of it. The good we do each day can live on, after the trouble and
distress have gone, after the difficulty and the pain have passed away.
.=: P R A Y E R F O R T H E D A Y :=.
I pray that I may make good use of my mistakes and failures. I pray that
some good may result from my painful experiences.
I'm in discernment about whether to go forward with the inner healing group once the traning is through...and I got this from Fr. Pat today...hmmmm.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
ignorance is not bliss
A few are wicked, and many are ignorant: that is how the enemy of God and of the Church reigns.
Let us confound the wicked, and enlighten the minds of the ignorant. With the help of God, and with our effort, we will save the world.
� St. Josemaria Escriva, The Forge, #635"
Sunday, July 30, 2006
No arguments please...
Never Stop Singing: "Even more so, we must avoid an argumentative attitude. When asked why he would not argue with people, Archbishop Fulton Sheen used to say, 'I would rather lose one thousand arguments than one soul!' "
I'm not saying that there is never a time for speaking your mind...just that most of the arguments that we get into just aren't worth it...they do nothing but smear the evil one's excriment. The Lord has been working with me on this lately...especially in regards to DH...and believe me...this is not natural for me. But...He has asked me to always return snappy comments with lots of love...yikes...this is SO much easier said then done. God help me.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Man's first sin
Catechism of the Catholic Church - PART 1 SECTION 2 CHAPTER 1 ARTICLE 1 PARAGRAPH 7: "
397 Man, tempted by the devil, let his trust in his Creator die in his heart and, abusing his freedom, disobeyed God's command. This is what man's first sin consisted of.278 All subsequent sin would be disobedience toward God and lack of trust in his goodness. "
Monday, July 24, 2006
It's for children
Oh Lord, I don't know why you are calling ME to this...maybe you are trying to use my 'stubborness' for the good, or whatever other weakness I posess...but whatever it is Lord...I trust in You.
demon of dispute
Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world: "Division is being sown and that turns into the spirit of contention -- the demon of dispute -- and when we realize it, we can combat it; when we do not, we fall prey."
I felt this so strongly was like having a pack of dogs sniping at me. Normally...I would have sniped back and all hell would have broken lose. I kept in mind what was at the heart of these matters and brought it immediately to the Lord and then kept quiet and even went above and beyond when offered the chance. Amazing results!
A Prayer for Wisdom
Almighty God, you know the perils that surround me, and how easy it would be for me to slip and fall. Give me the wisdom that I need to do your bidding, and avoid the snares that are set before me.
My path is dark before me. Send your Holy Spirit to fill me with your light, and to guide me.
Help me do your will, and to do what is best for me and those who depend on me.
Grant me the grace of wisdom. Make me wise enough to choose truth over falsehood, that I may not be deceived to my own undoing, and to the harm of others.
In Jesus' name.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
New Beginnings � Customizable Catholic Homepage: "Cheerfulness
Once again you had gone back to your old follies! And afterwards, when you returned, you didn't feel very cheerful, because you lacked humility.
It seems as if you obstinately refuse to learn from the second part of the parable of the prodigal son, and you still feel attached to the wretched happiness of the pig-swill. With your pride wounded by your weakness, you have not made up your mind to ask for pardon, and you have not realised that, if you humble yourself, the joyful welcome of your Father God awaits you, with a feast to mark your return and your new beginning.
� St. Josemaria Escriva, Furrow, #65"
Hmmm...why do we bother spending so much time beating our selves up for falling? Maybe it is pride. My first instinct after the realization that I've sinned is 'how could I have done that'...why am I so shocked at my failure? Am I better then others? We are all sinners to some degree. I need to get back up, ask for forgiveness and move on. Oh the joyful celebration in heaven on that moment.
A Rule of Life
A Catholic Life: "A Rule of Life
For Those Who, Living in the World, Aspire after Perfection
By Father Michael Muller, C.Ss.R.
In the Morning
1. Rise at affixed hour, for example, six o'clock; do not remain longer in bed without a reasonable motive.
2. As soon as you awake, offer your heart to God, make the sign of the Cross, and dress yourself quickly and modestly. Then, on your knees, say three 'Hail Marys,' in honor of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to obtain a great purity of body and soul.
3. Say your morning prayers, and make a meditation during half, or at least a quarter of an hour. It is better to say short prayers - 'Our Father' and 'Hail Mary,' - or to say your prayers going to or at your work, than to say no prayers at all.
4. Hear Mass, if it is possible.
During the Course of the Day
5. Read a spiritual book for at least a quarter of an hour.
6. Say your beads, if possible, with the rest of the household.
7. Pay a visit to the Blessed Sacrament, and to the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the church if you can do so. N.B. - For these three last exercises you can choose whatever time will
least interfere with your daily occupations.
8. Frequently make short ejaculatory prayers, above all at the beginning and end of your actions. Employ chiefly acts of the love of God, such as these: My dear Jesus, I love Thee ... I wish very much to love Thee ... make me love Thee more and more, etc.
9. Practice the mortification of the eyes, of the ears, and of the tongue, by sometimes refraining from looking, hearing, or saying things, which, though not dangerous, are useless, in order to be able more easily to abstain from what is dangerous, or even bad.
10. Seize carefully every opportunity of suffering any little pain, contradiction, or humiliation, for the love of God. In every such occasion submit yourself to the will of God, saying: O my God, this is Thy Will; may Thy holy Will be done!
11. At your meals deprive yourself in part or entirely of some little thing you are fond of; and never completely satisfy your appetite.
12. Do not eat between meals without necessity.
13. Fly idleness, bad company, and every occasion of sin, especially those in which chastity is in danger.
14. In temptations, especially those of impurity, make the sign of the Cross, if you are alone; and say in your heart, Jesus and Mary, help me. If the temptation still continues, do not be troubled, but pray with greater earnestness, saying, My dear Jesus, I would rather die than offend Thee.
15. If you have the misfortune to commit a sin, so not give way to trouble, even though the sin be grievous, but make immediately a good act of contrition, with a firm purpose not to fall again, and to confess it as soon as possible.
In the Evening
16. At a fixed hour, for example, nine o'clock, say your night prayers, and make your examination of conscience; recite the Litany of the Blessed Virgin, and then read over the subject of the next morning's meditation.
17. Having said, on your knees, the three "Hail Marys," as in the morning, undress yourself with all modesty, and be careful to remain always decently covered in bed, and to preserve a modest posture.
18. Until you fall asleep, occupy your mind with the subject of the tomorrow's meditation, or with the remembrance of death, or some other pious thought.
19. Choose a good [Traditional] Confessor, in whom you have confidence; open your heart to him without reserve, and be guided by his advice; do not quit him without strong reason.
20. Go to confession once a week, and receive the Holy Communion as often as your director judges proper. (Note: This was before Pope St. Pius X's decree encouraging frequent and daily communion.)
21. Attend sermons and instructions as often as you can, endeavoring always to apply them to yourself, and to draw some practical resolution from them; enter some pious confraternity, with the sole view of attending to the interest of your soul.
22. If your health will permit, fast on every Saturday, and on the eves of the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin. At least perform in Her honor some little act of mortification on those days, according to your state of health and your occupations. Nourish in your heart a tender devotion towards the Blessed Virgin, and address to Her from time to time this fervent prayer: My
good Mother Mary, help me to love your divine Son Jesus with all my heart. Wear the scapular, and at least the miraculous medal.
As this rule of life does not of itself impose any obligation under pain of sin, no one must be alarmed if he cannot follow it in every thing. Let each one take that which is in accordance with the duties of his state of life, which ought always to be attended to in preference to any exercises of piety which are not of obligation. Thus let each one do what he can, but cheerfully, and for the love of God.
I think this is worthy of a print out. We need to pray over these things and see if the Lord is leading us in a particular area. Sometimes we need to go in tiny baby we need to trust the Lord will guide us...instead of rushing in our own strength and stumbling.
Reflections on Readings
Reflections on the Daily Mass Readings: "Psalm 23 begins with a soothing picture of comfort. The Lord, the Good Shepherd (Jn 10:11), refreshes the psalmist, who refers contentedly to the Lord in the second Person, as 'He' (Ps 23:1-3). Suddenly, the psalmist encounters difficulty and suffering in 'the dark valley' (Ps 23:4). Notice that the psalmist now refers to the Good Shepherd in the first person, as 'You' (Ps 23:4-5). We come to know the Lord personally when we suffer with Him."
We can look on our temptations as opportunities for suffering with Christ. Turning away from them entails some initial 'dying to self'. It is only 'tempting' because it initially looks or promises to feel just wouldn't be tempting otherwise. So our saying 'no' to something that we are perceiving as a 'good' takes self denial...suffering. If we could only have enough sense of mind at those moments to look beyond the moment of trial and see the consequences of our in to the temptation will bring captivity, death and destruction...embracing the momentary pain will bring us closer to the who wouldn't want that?
Great advice
My Domestic Church: What the Titus II woman is facing.: "First, I don't think this command applies to strangers. I think when Paul said for older women to teach the younger women he meant young women you know, like your daughters or grand daughters, or nieces that have to put up with you, or neighborhood girls, women, or students that seek you out. Everyone else you teach at a distance and by example only. "
This really is great advice from Elena here...and I'm thinking that it was acquired by tons of personal experience. I think this one of the reason why I feel that this blog needs to remain 'under the radar'. I know that He will put into my heart who He wants me to invite...not that I have anything to 'teach' to anyone else...God knows how much learning that I still have to do...but He will bring forth those that are within my own circle...those kindred spirits that can most benefit from my own struggle and who can in turn help me to grow. Those willing to have their 'grave clothes' peeled away and aren't afraid to tug at some of mine instead of always just uttering the sugary words they think I want to hear. The truth hurts sometimes...especially when some of the layers have been hanging on us for such a long time...OUCH!
Psalm 23
Your Pastoral Coach: Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 23, 2006: "What they said reminded me of what we read in this Sunday's Psalm (23). They recognize that the only way that they can survive, is to completely surrender to a higher power, a shepherd. Every time they think they can go alone, they stumble and fall. As they walk through the dark valley, full of temptations and problems, they fear no evil because they recognize they are powerless and only through God they can gain the courage and wisdom to succeed. Their words and principles I heard last night are so useful for all of us... "
The above quote is from Hector's blog and it says it perfectly...only with God can we make it. Fr. Ron preached on Psalm 23 today also (which by the way is one of my husband gave me a psalm 23 bracelet for Mother's Day and it broken a link...he got it fixed and funny enough it is back on my wrist today...God is good!)
The point is that a 'shepherd' does two things for his sheep...1)protects them and 2)provides for them.
There it is again...Savior and Lord. We just need to accept the offer.
Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd, (white) I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, (green)
he leads me beside quiet waters, (blue) he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness (clear) for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, (black)
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, (brown) they comfort me.
You prepare a table (brown) before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil (yellow); my cup (purple) overflows.
Surely goodness and love (pink) will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord (gold) forever.
Pleasing to the eye
Intercessors Of The Lamb: "So if the choice is something good, really test it. At first glance we may think this is from the Lord, but it may not always be the Lord. Scripture tells us that when Eve saw that fruit, she saw that it was good and pleasing to the eye (Gn 3:6). It may have been good and pleasing to the eye, but it was not the better decision because she was not being led by God. She was in disobedience. So we don't know what is the best, other than the fact that God chose it. Once God shows us His preference, then we know that that is always the better choice...not just a good choice or a good decision, but it's the best one. It's the better part. "
If I could only have full presence of mind when I'm confronted with temptation.
Four Types Of Christians
Four Types Of Christians: "So how does the Bound Christian become free? First, he applies 1 John 1:9 to his life:
'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' (See also Psalm 32:5 & Proverbs 28:13)
If you confess your sins Jesus will forgive you. When you do that you are set free from sin. And 'if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed' (John 8:36).
Second, we pray a prayer like we find in Psalm 25:4:
'Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths.'
We ask God to teach us His ways, to help us follow His commands. Yes, there will be times when we stumble, but we don't have to be slaves to sin. We can be slaves to righteousness. When this happens we can rejoice they way Paul did when in Romans 6:17-18 he said:
�Thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.'"
yep...that's what the Lord has been showing me too...
1)Confession...not only confessing your sins, but confessing with your lips that you want satan and his works ousted.
the gift of chastity � Customizable Catholic Homepage: "Chastity is a moral virtue. It is also a gift from God, a grace, a fruit of spiritual effort. The Holy Spirit enables one whom the water of Baptism has regenerated to imitate the purity of Christ. "
Bless us oh Lord with this is evident the lack of it is at the heart of the world's troubles.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
"Prayer For Help Against Spiritual Enemies
Glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, who stands always ready to give assistance to the people of God; who fought with the dragon, the old serpent, and cast him out of heaven, and now valiantly defends the Church of God that the gates of hell may never prevail against her, I earnestly entreat you to assist me also, in the painful and dangerous conflict which I sustain against the same formidable foe.
Be with me, O mighty Prince! that I may courageously fight and vanquish that proud spirit, whom you, by the Divine Power, gloriously overthrew, and whom our powerful King, Jesus Christ, has, in our nature, completely overcome; so having triumphed over the enemy of my salvation, I may with you and the holy angels, praise the clemency of God who, having refused mercy to the rebellious angels after their fall, has granted repentance and forgiveness to fallen man. Amen. "
Two Starving Girls in Parents' Basement - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Kansas Police Find Two Starving Girls in Parents' Basement - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News: "'It's the worst case of malnutrition I've ever seen,' said police Lt. E.J. Bastian, adding that the 6- and 7-year-old girls were so thin when police found them in the home's basement that 'they looked like concentration camp survivors.'
The girls' stepmother, whose own biological children were found healthy and well-fed upstairs, was taken in for questioning. Their father, who travels frequently on business, would be questioned when he returned to town, police said."
God have mercy!
Sex is on everyone's mind
Sex is on everyone's mind at swinging convention - Yahoo! News: "'I've never been a big swinger, that's not the point,' McGinley said. 'What I would like to do is bring a new understanding of sexuality in our lives and our relationships.' "
'A new understanding of sexuality'...that actually sounds pretty good to me...but I think I'll stick to reading 'Theology of the Body'. This other stuff is not 'new' at all. Satan really attacks most severely in those areas that are most precious to God and His people...families, relationships, marriage, our sexuality.
Satan paints a pretty picture with his deceptive ways...makes us temporarily blind and encourages us to desire that which if we were to see clearly we wouldn't go near with a ten foot pole.
Oh Lord enlighten me...give me the grace to see clearly...unleash me from satan's grip.
Yes Lord!
Intercessors Of The Lamb: "'A body you have prepared for Me,' so that He can continue coming and dwelling within people and living out the Father's perfect will. That is always the victory over satan. That is always the maternal 'yes' over the 'no.' Everything becomes 'yes' for intercessors. Everything is, 'Yes Lord!' It brings grace, not only to us but also, to others."
I saw this so clearly this morning. satan started his gimmicks early in the I was trying to make it to Mass...all the sudden my car wouldn't start...this had never happened before. After calling Roy and verifying that I wasn't doing something wrong and that it indeed wasn't starting...I started to pray for Jesus' intercession. Then I conceded that if necessary I would take Roy's truck (which I've never driven before by the way and would really hate to start now)...wouldn't you know that the car started at that very moment. I need to persevere more often. Be determined to do was is right instead of just giving in to the first little obstacle that comes my way. Praise God for giving me the grace to do just I already have all I need.
Mary Magdelene � Customizable Catholic Homepage: "St. Mary Magdelene (1st century)
Mary Magdelene was a horrible sinner who had seven demons exorcised from her by Jesus. She was present at His Crucifixion, and at His empty tomb. After the Ascension, she lived as a contemplative in a cave in France, where her only food was the Eucharist, given to her daily by angels. She died when she was 72."
Today is her feast day...Mary Magdalene pray for us!
Destroying Strongholds
"Indeed, we live as human beings, but we do not wage war according to human standards; for the weapons of our warfare are not merely human, but they have divine power to destroy strongholds."