I thought I'd re-post some of my thoughts on 'inner healing'(which is what this blog is about) for anyone that hasn't had the chance to go through the archives.
The story of Lazarus is one that is close to my heart. In 'Thin Again' the author tells us this story in a way that explains the healing process. Jesus had brought Lazarus back from the dead (he was 'born again' as we too are after our Baptism) but still 'bound up'...his 'grave clothes' were still intact and he couldn't move very well and completly lacked freedom. Jesus then gave the command to the people that were near by to go ahead and free him. (John 11:44)and He does the same for us today...Jesus through the Sacraments gives us life...then it is up to the community as a whole to participate in the full restoration. These 'grave clothes' are anything that keeps us bound even after we have been freed from our sin...hurtful memories, addictions...and yes...even opression by demons and evil spirits(not talking about full posession here) that have come upon us either through doors that we ourselvs have opened or by being exposed to someone else's sin. This is what the 'inner-healing' ministry is all about...releasing captives.
"releasing captives
Lazarus rose because he heard the voice of God and immediately wanted to get out of the situation he was in. If he hadn't wanted to move, he would just have died again.
A sincere resolution: to have faith in God always; to hope in God always; to love God always... he never abandons us, even if we are rotting away as Lazarus was.
--- St. Josemaria Escriva, The Forge, #211"
I also believe that even though the Lord can do this for us in one fell swoop...it often doesn't happen that way...and it's more 'a process' of peeling off layer by layer.
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