Monday, November 06, 2006

we do not have to hide

"Remember that God loves us as we are. We do not have to hide like Adam and Eve did; we do not have to keep wrapping the fig leaves around ourselves anymore. We want Jesus to touch us right now as He finds us today. Also remember that God will not violate our own free will. It is necessary to invite Him to enter into our hearts and to touch any painful memories we have stored there. If we can recall nothing, then we can still ask the Holy Spirit to direct Jesus’ healing love to any past experiences, which may now need to be touched. The Lord does not usually just erase traumas from our lives. But, when He came forth from the tomb, God transformed them so they no longer have the power to keep us in bondage. We can remember them. We can remember what happened but we can do so without the negative feelings of fear, of anger of sadness, of guilt or pain."

Excerpt from Mother Nadine’s, “Lady Wisdom Sings Her Own Praises,” Omaha, NE 2005

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