Friday, June 29, 2007


Proverbs 19:15
"Laziness brings on deep sleep; an idle person will suffer hunger".

The Lord is bringing to my attention lately how many areas of my life that I've given up responsibility eating, for example. I have been on the 'see food diet' for a while see food, and you eat it. That's not what the Lord wants from us. We are to live our lives intentionally, with Him guiding us...anything else is plain laziness! It brings on 'deep sleep'...unconsciousness! Where our lives just get stolen from us! We will 'suffer hunger'...because only a life of grace, which again is a life lived intentionally with Jesus can trully satisfy us. All else just leaves us craving for more. It also robs us of the pleasures and treasures that the Lord is wanting to give to us.

1 comment:

sue said...

I laughed when I saw 'see food' diet, because that's how I often described my husband's eating habits before he went gluten free with me. Anytime he saw free samples of food he ate them, whether or not he was hungry. Rather than 3 meals a day, he preferred one continuous snack session from the time he got up until he went to bed. He doesn't overeat at each eating episode, he just doesn't wait until he's hungry.

At least now he makes healthier choices for his 'snacks'. I send him to work with an apple and fresh cherries or raspberries with garden fresh peas or carrots for snacks. I remind him to get some kind of protein (peanuts or beef jerky or little cans of sausages) during the day. Sometimes he eats yogurt with fruit. He rarely stops work to take a real 'meal' lunch break.

He also struggled with ADHD most of his life. So he needs constant stimulation whether kinesthetic (movement), visual or sound. I suspect his desire to snack constantly is part of that stimulation need. If he's not snacking, he chews sugar free gum.

I try to drink between meals (water or herbal teas) to satisfy the 'taste' urge. I suspect I struggle with overeating at meals because I allow too much distraction while I eat from reading, tv or even conversation. So once I start, I don't want to stop. I commit to eat more focussed (no distractions) meals. So I won't feel deprived of a taste experience I missed while I was distracted. Then I will enjoy enough 'tasting' by the time my stomach becomes full.

So here we are ... a snacker married to a stuffer. LOL I get overwhelmed with too much stimulation and my husband never gets enough!