Saturday, June 23, 2007

Lords Table - Day 01

> "Woe is me, for I am undone!
> Because I am a man of unclean lips,
> And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips;
> For my eyes have seen the King,
> The LORD of hosts" (Isaiah 6:1-5).
> One interesting thing to note is that as Isaiah saw the glory of God he
> was humbled, and he saw his sin most clearly. If we see the glory of
> God, we too will see our own uncleanness, and will need to cry out for
> grace as Isaiah did.

I've been struggling with this lately...not seeing my 'sin' clearly. The
Catholic Church seperates sins into two catergories...venial and mortal. I
for one tend to discount the 'little ones'...but enough venial sins and you
become so blinded that you can't see the big ones coming. Sort of like the
frog in warm water...

I just started a Bible Study to help me get control over my sin of gluttony.
I will be posting here and over at p2 as I go along.

My prayer for today is for the Lord to show me my sin clearly so that I can
cry out to God. My motives on this needs to be right...this is not so that I
can lose weight to look good and have everyone impressed with how wonderful
I'm doing. This is to be set free from the bondage of this particular sin
and to be able to glorify God...

1 comment:

sue said...

My first reaction to that scripture from Isaiah was "unclean lips" may comes from how we use our mouths to EAT, not just what we say with our mouths. We do indeed 'dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips'. Not only do that say dishonest and cruel things, but they use their mouths for gluttony and idolatry.

I can't for one second consider God's Holiness without realizing how I fall short of Christ's commands, how I fail to measure up. When we stop viewing God as a sugar daddy who provides for all our needs and begin to view Him with all His power and glory, our sins are undeniable.