"Become accustomed to discerning whether you are experiencing physical hunger (hunger pangs) or soul hunger (the desire to be full and satisfied). If your belly is not growling, and yet you are tempted to eat, keep a Bible nearby to pick up and read.
Begin calling out to God for help to be able to turn from food, when not hungry, and to turn to Christ.
Print out something like the follow statement in a place you will see it often - on your refrigerator, car dash, or bathroom mirror, for instance -
No food will satisfy my heart or fill the emptiness in my soul. Jesus Christ is "real meat" and the "bread of life," and I am to feed on Him."
During today's lesson the thing that convicted me most was the need for me to get back to daily Mass and receive my Lord in the Eucharist.
1 comment:
If you use sugar to boost your energy when you feel tired, getting more regular exercise and more sound sleep could eliminate that need for little energy jolts during the day. However, cutting back need not 'hurt' if you consider SUBSTITUTING healthier treats for sugary treats, like fresh fruit, rather than cookies. Summer is a GREAT time to explore more fresh fruits, especially because they are less expensive while they are 'in season'.
We love cherries, all kinds of berries, and melon chunks for desserts at night. I put fresh or even frozen fruit into sugar free jello for desserts. My husband tops that with sugar free yogurt. You can easily make your own sorbets from summer fruit or popsicles from fruit juice, rather than eating ice cream.
I like how today's lesson advises you to call out to God when you're tempted to eat w/o true hunger. I know WD taught that, but I also forgot that important lesson.
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